Monday, February 11, 2019

Fitness goals

My pre-test results for the 2.4km run was 19 minutes. the results for the run i wasn't very pleased but through out the year with a lot of training i am confident that i will pass, and for the 20 push up test  my results were a good two , i need more upper body gym session to work on my strength , and finally for my vertical jump results were great , i managed to complete that task.

The aim for each test given has a limit for each , for the 2.4km run the goal to reach for women is 12 mins 54 secs, for the women's push ups the goal is 20, for the vertical jump the goal is to jump vertically 40 cm distance from the point of hand.

My goal for this program is to accomplish each goal successfully and how i'm going to achieve this goal is by training more frequently and train everyday , also limit my training session times.   
another way i could accomplish this goal is by controlling my eating , making sure my health well-being is good so that i can control my breathing and i have good system ready to go .
i will need to go to the gym more often and work on my upper body strength for the 20 push up , and lower body for the vertical jump and for the 2.4km run , i will go in my own time or during school and go out for running session to improve my breathing and running past .

Friday, November 16, 2018

Friday 16th November

I am very happy to say that i passed level 2 , it's probably my highlight of the week , and also getting the position of 2019 prefect for Te aparangi , i have had many wonderful blessing this week . Also i cannot wait to have a great holiday , but besides that i'm really gonna miss our year 13's , hopefully reality treats them well and they become successful in their future. i cannot wait to see what great potential i give to the school , it'll be a bumpy ride along the way but i'l have my peers by my side to help me , all up it has been a very great last week of school , in advance sorry mr.rohs i haven't been posting weekly I've been really busy throughout the year .